VBS Registration
Graduation Promotion Sunday
Holy Week 2022
Palm Sunday | April 10th | Chapel
Maundy-Thursday | April 14th | Chapel
Good Friday | April 15th | Chapel
Easter Sunday | April 17th
Sunrise Service | 6:45 am | Wesley Pavilion Continental Breakfast Following | MPR/Gym
Easter Service | 8:15 am | Chapel
Easter Musical | 9:30 & 11:00 am | Sanctuary | “We Are Witnesses”
Easter Breakfast | 9:00 – 11:00 am | MPR/Gym
Ash Wednesday 2022
Ash Wednesday Worship
March 2nf at 7:00 pm
On Ash Wednesday, Christians come before God to reflect on their lives and to confess their sins and misdeeds. We’ll begin Lent by considering how God can create a new heart and renew the spirit within.
Super Bowl Bake Sale
Super Bowl Bake Sale – Sunday, February 13th
Get your Super Bowl goodies and snacks for Game Day! The sale will be held in the MPR after all three worship services. All proceeds will be used to support UMW Mission projects. If you would like to donate a homemade item or snack, please bring it to the MPR kitchen on Saturday, February 12th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm entering at Door 2. Thank you! Sponsored by United Methodist Women
Family Nights
Family Nights – January 23rd, & 30th and February 6th, 20th, & 27th
5:00 – 5:30 pm: Dinner
5:30 – 6:30 pm: Classes & groups for kids, teens, and adults
During Family Nights we will eat meals together, enjoy fellowship, connect, and seek to grow as disciples of Christ via the following opportunities:
- “Intentional Parenting – 10 Ways to Be An Exceptional Parent in a Quick Fix World” class sessions with Pastor Rob
- Echo Youth Group led by James Darby for 7th -12th graders
- Momentum led by volunteers for 5th & 6th graders
- Bee Attitudes & Wesley’s Treehouse led by Kateri Crawford & Susan Parsons for children in preschool through 4th grade
- Childcare for babies and toddlers in the nursery