Living Faith Devotional 4

3/12-3/18 Matthew’s Gospel Lent Reading Plan
Our journey with Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew for this week is a continuation of reading and studying portions of the Sermon on the Mount as we seek to live what Christ teaches us. If you continue using this Living Faith Devotional by April 15th we will finish reading all of Matthew’s Gospel. If you did not begin reading it during the past few weeks, you may want to watch a brief video on Youtube that is an overview about the Gospels before you begin:
The Gospel by the Bible Project:
*If you do not have a Bible, consider downloading the YouVersion Bible App for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play for your smartphone or tablet. You can also use to look up and read various translations of Bible verses online for free.
Sunday (3/12)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
*You are encouraged to memorize a verse or verses each week of this season of Lent. The verse for this week is Jesus’ message from Matthew 7. You can memorize the version listed below or from some other translation:
Jesus said, “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.” – Matthew 7:12 The Message
If you have not watched it already, you are encouraged to watch the Bible Project video about the first thirteen chapters of Matthew. The video is available on YouTube:
Overview Matthew: 1-13 by the Bible Project:
Pray the following words as an invitation for God to speak to you during this devotional time:
Jesus, I trust that your words will not return to you empty,
but will accomplish what you desire and achieve the purpose
for which you said them (Isaiah 55:11).
Read Matthew 6:16-18 for today. If you did not read the previous chapters and verses you are encouraged to at least read the section headings within the first five chapters as well as Matthew 5:1-6:15.
Today as AUMC students confirm their faith in Jesus and seek to live their faith as active members of Christ’s church, you are invited to pray the following as a reaffirmation of your faith:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I renounce wickedness,
and repent of my sins as I turn my heart, mind, and soul towards you yet again.
My desire is to resist evil, injustice and oppression as a peacemaker.
I trust in you, Jesus, as my Savior, because you are the Savior of the world.
I submit to you, Christ, as my Lord and seek to serve you alone.
My desire is to remain a faithful member of your church,
while I serve as your representative in the world.
I remember my baptism through water and the Spirit;
a baptism of being incorporated into the body of Christ
as God’s adopted child, forgiveness of my sins, receiving the gift
of the Holy Spirit, and dying to my sinful selfishness while rising to life
as a new creation in and with Christ.
With your help, I will faithfully participate in the life and ministries of
Avon UMC through my Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness
all for your glory. Amen.
Monday (3/13)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
The verse for this week is part of Jesus’ message from Matthew 7. You can memorize the version listed below or from some other translation:
Jesus said, “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.” – Matthew 7:12 The Message
Pray the following words as an invitation for God to speak to you during this devotional time:
“Jesus, please let your message sink deeply into my heart and mind today, then remind me and guide me to live it.”
Read Matthew 6:19-24. If you did not read the previous chapters and verses you are encouraged to at least read the section headings within the first five chapters as well as Matthew 5:1-6:18 before reading the verses for today.
Pray through your day as a response to Jesus’ message from Matthew 6, including what you will do, or what you have already done, the people you will be with, or those you already were with, then conclude with Jesus’ prayer from Matthew 6:9-13.
Tuesday (3/14)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
*Read the Memory Verse a few times before you pray.
Pray, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you:
“Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.” -1 Samuel 3:9 NRSV
Be silent for a few minutes as you seek to be with Jesus using a physical posture that is helpful, such as kneeling, bowing down, sitting with your head bowed or chin raised high, or lying on the ground as if you were touching the feet of Christ. Consider focusing on each breath, knowing that the Lord has provided the air you breathe and He is as close to you as the breath in your lungs.
Read Matthew 6:25-34. Which word, phrase, or verse from Jesus’ teaching is the Holy Spirit using to speak to you today?
Pray the Lord’s Prayer three times as a conclusion to your devotional time, or use the version of Jesus’ prayer from Matthew 6:9-13. Notice how the prayer is focused on today, not worrying about tomorrow.
Wednesday (3/15)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
*You are encouraged to spend some time trying to memorize it before you pray.
Pray, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you:
“Lord, help me to receive the message you have for me today,
then to live obediently in response to you as your beloved child.”
Read Jesus’ lesson from Matthew 7:1-6.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable you to see “the speck” in your own eye so that you can then seek to remove it.
Listen to the Andrea Bocelli’s version of “The Lord’s Prayer” featuring the Tabernacle Choir using the link below for the YouTube video or using a music streaming service. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to pray the words as they are being sung.
“The Lord’s Prayer” by Andrea Bocelli
Thursday (3/16)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
*Read the Memory Verse a few times before you pray.
Pray, inviting the Lord to speak to you today:
“Yes, Lord, I’m listening.” -1 Samuel 3:9 TLB
Be silent for a few minutes as you imagine being alone with Jesus. You may find it helpful to sit, lay down with your face towards the ground, or kneel in awe of our King, the Messiah.
Read Matthew 7:7-12.
Pray in response to what Jesus taught in the verses you read by asking, seeking, and knocking on behalf of others and yourself, then conclude with the Lord’s Prayer as you have memorized it or using Jesus’ prayer from Matthew 6:9-13.
Friday (3/17)
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 7:12
*You are encouraged to spend some time trying to memorize it.
Pray the following words as an invitation for God to speak to you:
“Lord, help me to receive the message you have for me today
and live in response to it.”
Read Jesus’ message from Matthew 7:13-14 and John 14:6, as well as the Lord’s message through Moses to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 30:19-20. What do these messages reveal about Jesus and God’s desire for us? Who needs to hear the truth shared in love today or in the coming days?
Pray for those who are on the broad “road that leads to destruction” as the Holy Spirit brings specific people to your mind (Matt. 7:13 NIV). Ask the Holy Spirit to give you and all Christians a holy boldness for speaking the truth in love, as well as a heart that aches for those who are on the broad road, then conclude your prayer with Jesus’ words from Matthew 6:9-13. Pray the Lord’s Prayer on behalf of your sisters and brothers in Christ, as well as for those who are on the broad road to destruction.
Saturday (3/18)
Read Matthew 7:12, the memory verse for this past week. If you have not memorized it simply let Jesus’ message be a reminder as you think about how he lived it.
How are you going to remember and observe the Sabbath this weekend? The Sabbath is a day each week that is set apart from the others to stop, rest, worship, and delight in the Lord and what he has given us. Because of our very busy culture and over-scheduled lives you may need to incrementally observe the Sabbath by setting aside an increasing portion of a day each week beginning with an hour, then increasing it to multiple hours or part of a day the next weekend, and eventually designating an entire day for remembering and observing the Sabbath.
Read Exodus 20:1-21 giving special attention to what the text reveals about the Sabbath, God, and worship. “WORSHIP” is the Sabbath theme for this weekend. What is God’s message to you from the Ten Commandments?
  • What needs to happen so that you can set aside part or all of a day this weekend for the Lord?


  • What causes you to struggle with “not working” for a day? Is it a lack of trust in God, an overfilled life throughout the week, or something else?


  • As you read the verses did you notice that the Sabbath day is “holy,” which means it is set apart from the other six days of the week? How are you going to set the Sabbath day apart from the other days of the week?


  • Do you need to take things off or your to-do-list and set a more sustainable pace so that you are prioritizing stopping, resting, and worshiping?


Solitude and Silence. You are encouraged to spend ten, twenty, or thirty minutes alone with God seeking to rest in the peace that can only be found in and from the Lord. If you struggle to stop and rest, consider laying down, kneeling, or sitting on a very comfortable chair or seat. If you need a nap, then sleep so that your mind and body receive the rest that you need.


Read Psalm 95:1-7 about worshipping the Lord our Maker. Seek to set aside time today or tomorrow to stop, rest, and assemble with others to worship our Creator and Sustainer of life.


  • What is a song that helps you to worship the Lord? You could listen to it right now to help you to sing and praise our God.


  • You may find it helpful to write a list of things to thank God for today.


  • Notice in verse 6 the posture the psalmist describes for worshiping God. During your time of prayer, try bowing down and kneeling before our Lord and Maker.
Pray and live in response to our God offering thanksgiving to our Savior. You may find it helpful to use the words from the verses you read today as a guide for your prayer.
