Living Faith Devotional 7
- Those closest to you (family members & friends)
- Those who point others towards God (pastors, teachers, mentors, authors, musicians, filmmakers, etc.)
- Leaders (locally, nationally, and globally)
- People in need throughout the world (the people of Turkey and Syria, Ukrainians, Russians, etc.)
- Yourself (share your needs and invite the Lord to guide you)
Conclude with the portion of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples that is listed below, and try praying it before each of your meals today:
Lord, “give us the food we need for today.” – Matthew 6:11 ERV
Wednesday 4/5)
Pray, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you:
“Lord, help me to receive the message you have for me today,
then to live obediently in response to you as your beloved child.”
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 22:37-39
*You are encouraged to spend some time trying to memorize them today.
Read Matthew 24 and 25. If you are using a study Bible you may find it helpful to read the study notes for these chapters.
Pray for:
- those who are hungry and have food insecurity
- those who lack clean drinking water
- those in need of a place to stay, including the homeless and refugees
- those who lack clothes and other basic needs
- those who are sick, afflicted, and in need of healing
- prisoners
Conclude your prayer with the portion of Jesus’ prayer listed below:
“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” – Matthew 6:12 ESV
Maundy Thursday (4/6)
Invite the Lord to speak to you today:
“Yes, Lord, I’m listening.” – 1 Samuel 3:9 TLB
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 22:37-39
*Read the Memory Verses a few times today.
Be silent for a few minutes as you imagine being with Jesus and the disciples during the Passover meal that is also referred to as the Last Supper. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and how you feel.
Read Matthew 26, which includes the Last Supper, Judas betraying Jesus, Peter’s denial, and the other disciples deserting Christ. How have you denied, deserted, or betrayed Jesus lately? Remember what Jesus said about drinking from the cup of wine during the Last Supper, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28 NIV). Jesus shared the message of forgiveness with the disciples before their betrayal, denial, and desertion. He offers the same gift of forgiveness to you too.
Pray using David’s prayer of confession from Psalm 51:1-13 as your guide, then conclude with the portion of the Lord’s prayer listed below:
“Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil.” – Matthew 6:13 CEV
Good Friday (4/7)
Pray the following words as an invitation for God to speak to you today:
“Lord, help me to receive the message of Good Friday
and to live in response to what you did for us.”
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 22:37-39
*You are encouraged to spend some time trying to memorize them today.
Read Matthew 27, that includes Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial. What stands out from what you read of the events of Good Friday? How does the crucifixion of Christ reveal Jesus’ love for us?
Pray in response to what Jesus has done for us, then conclude with the doxology portion of The Lord’s Prayer that is listed below:
Lord, “Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” – Matthew 6:13b NKJV
Holy Saturday (4/8)
Read Matthew 22:37-39, the memory verses for this past week, which are the two greatest commandments. If you have not memorized them spend some time today seeking to memorize them. Think about how Jesus lived those two commandments.
How are you going to remember and observe the Sabbath this Easter weekend? The Sabbath is a day each week that is set apart from the others to stop, rest, worship, and delight in the Lord and what he has given us.
Read Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus is letting you know that you will find rest in him. Rest from your weariness and burdens. Rest for your soul. Going along with Jesus’ invitation, our Sabbath theme for this weekend is “REST.”
- How will you respond to Jesus’ invitation to “come to me”?
- What worries and burdens are you carrying that you can offer to Jesus in prayer?
- Taking Jesus’ yoke upon you means living according to King Jesus’ pace for life, with Christ as our Lord, not someone or something else. His “yoke is easy, and his burden is light.” How is Jesus’ pace and humble yoke different and light compared to the yoke or pace of others?
- Jesus is “gentle and humble in heart.” Let his gentleness calm and comfort you today so that you can experience the restoration that comes through rest.
- Trust Jesus to teach and guide you to become gentle and humble too.
Solitude and Silence. You are encouraged to spend ten, twenty, or thirty minutes alone with God seeking to rest in the peace that can only be found in and from the Lord. If you struggle to stop and rest, consider laying down, kneeling, or sitting on a very comfortable chair or seat. If you need a nap, then sleep so that your mind and body
receive the rest that you need.
Read Leviticus 23:3.
- What day of the week was Jesus resting in the tomb? How does his time in the tomb connect with the commandment to observe the Sabbath?
- Which day this weekend are you setting apart from the other six of the week so that you can rest and observe the Sabbath?
- You’re encouraged to join others for a “sacred assembly” during the Easter worship services this weekend. What preparation do you need to do to be ready to gather with God’s people to offer yourself to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving this Easter at 7:00, 9:30, or 11:00 am?