Music Ministry

Christmas Cantata 2014 22
Chancel Choir is a traditional, large vocal ensemble that sings mostly four  part anthems.  Strong High School age singers through adult make up this group. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the Music Suite.  Chancel Choir sings each Sunday from September through May during the 10:00 am service and at the 8:30 am service on the last Sunday of each month. This group also performs both the Easter and Christmas Cantatas.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Chancel Choir Director, Gary Robinson

Jump Start Music – This children’s choir is a vocal ensemble for children in 1st through 5th grade.

Contact Linda Dobbs for more information. 

Faithful Feet
Dance group for young elementary age children who perform during the worship services on special dates.
Practices are on Sundays. For more information, contact Reese Moore. 
Jingle Ringers
A possible new youth handbell choir for children 1st – 6th grace with limited musical experience.

Generation Ringers is our beginning handbell choir for Middle School age children to adult. Lead by Cathy Klemmensen, this group rehearses on Sundays from 6:00 – 6:45 pm  in the music suite and performs monthly at both the 8:30 am and 10:00 am services. Please contact Cathy Klemmensen for more information.

Spirit Ringers are the advanced handbell choir at Avon United Methodist Church designed for experienced high school age students to adult. Rehearsals are from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm on Sundays in the music suite. Spirit Ringers perform at least once a month at both the 8:30 am and 10:00 am services, as well as, many special events in the church. If you have handbell experience and are interested in joining the Spirit Ringers, please contact Janet Gobel.

Praise Band
Praise bands provide the worship music for the 10:00 am  service on a rotating basis. Contact the church office for more information. Contact Ed Melendez, Worship Pastor.
Special Music
Openings are available at all services for all ages and abilities. Instrumental, vocal solos, or small ensembles are welcome. Please contact Gary Robinson to select a date and time to share your musical offering.