Your Faith Journey 16
Worship – Continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website at if you can’t be here. Click “Livestream” to watch the services live on Sunday morning, or select the “Worship Videos” tab to watch previous messages. Serve & Give – We are collecting stuffed animals throughout the month of January for children undergoing surgery and radiology at Hendricks Regional Hospital in Danville. Please place a NEW stuffed animal on the altar rail in the Chapel or Sanctuary by the end of the month to help comfort and ease the concerns of a child at HRH. Develop – When you’re unsure about which way to go and what to do during various stages of life and on your faith journey, Christ reminds us, “I am the way” (John 14:6), so “come, follow me.” Jesus invites each of us to continue following Him to progress towards maturity and fruitfulness as faithful followers. Follow Him mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Pray for Christ to reveal what you need to start doing this week, this month, or this year, to grow as His disciple and faithfully follow Him. Remember that believers are empowered by the Spirit of God to do what He calls us to do and become who He created us to be.
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Worship – Attending worship services regularly helps you worship God instead of something or someone else. Listening to faith-based music and attending Christian concerts helps during the days you are not attending worship services. Connect – The fourth annual Night Out, organized by Small Group Ministry, is an evening for groups of adults to enjoy time with others away from the church while children have a “Kids’ Night Out” at AUMC on Saturday, January 12th, from 5:00 – 8:30 pm. Register your kids or grand kids for “Kids’ Night Out” via the church website or at the Welcome Desk. The final day for registration is January 6th. Develop – Consider setting aside a time and place to pray and read scripture each day during the New Year. If you don’t have a devotional, prayer guide, or Bible reading plan, you can use The Upper Room or Our Daily Bread daily devotional to help guide you. The devotionals are available online for FREE at and Printed copies can be found by the rear door of the Chapel on the back table in the Narthex for $1. YouVersion Bible App for your smartphone is another great FREE resource with reading plans and devotionals included in the app!
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Your Faith Journey Worship – Luke 2:20 reveals that after visiting the newborn baby Messiah, “The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.” What if you began to worship God at work, at home, in the car, and at church in response to what you’ve heard and seen Him do? Connect – If you would like to get to know others at Avon UMC and have a few brief discussions about Christmas, join Pastor Rob on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in Conference Room 1 (by the church offices on the south end of the building facing 36) for the three sessions of “Who Needs Christmas?” (12/2 – 12/16). Develop – You’re encouraged to read one chapter per day of Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection in the New Testament of the Bible from December 1st through December 24th. As you read, pray for God to reveal a word, phrase, or verse that is a message specifically for you.
Your Faith Journey 13
Worship – We hope you’ll plan to continue joining us for weekly worship services on Sunday mornings and watch online through the website at if you can’t be here. Click “LiveStream” to watch the services live on Sunday morning, or select the “Worship Videos” tab to watch previous messages.
Connect – If you are new or newer to Avon UMC, get to know others and enjoy a FREE lunch today (9/23) at 12:00 pm in the AUMC Fellowship Hall provided by the Newcomer Team.
Develop – We encourage you to read Chapters 28 through the “Epilogue” from the LOVE DOES book this week. You’re also encouraged to read Jesus’ conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 7:24-27. After reading, ask yourself: “Am I choosing to live as a wise or foolish person?”
Your Faith Journey 12
Worship – Within the 10 Commandments we find God saying, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD…On it you shall not do any work.” (Deuteronomy 5:12). Time with God will restore you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, while time spent not working provides the rest your body and mind needs. Are you regularly setting aside time for rest and restoration? If not, Labor Day weekend is a great time to start!
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Worship – Do you love God? How are you showing the Lord that you love Him?
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Your Faith Journey
Worship – Genesis 4 reveals that Adam and Eve’s sons brought offerings to God, which could be considered the first recorded acts of worship within the Bible.
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Your Faith Journey
Worship – We encourage you to continue to attend Sunday morning worship services and to try listening to a Christian music radio station in your car as you drive (101.9, 97.9, or 90.5).
Your Faith Journey 8
Worship – Matthew 28:16-17 reveals that when Jesus’ disciples saw their resurrected teacher, friend, Messiah, and Savior on the mountain in Galilee where he had told them to go, “they worshiped him.” Where is Jesus telling you to go? When do you feel closest to Christ? How do you respond when you’re in His presence?
Connect – You can connect with others from AUMC during the next few months by signing up for “Dinner for Six.” Simply write your name and “D6” on a Connection Card, then place the card in the offering plate or drop it off at the Welcome Desk. If you sign up you’ll be invited to meet a few others from the church for dinner to get to know them and enjoy a meal together.
Develop – Do you want a better relationship with God? Designate a daily time and place to be alone with Him praying and studying scripture. Consider reading one Psalm each day this week: Psalm 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40
Your Faith Journey 7
Connect – If you don’t have a few people, another couple, or a small group of others within AUMC that you call your friends, begin praying for God to help you find them. If you do have close friends within our faith family, thank God for them.
Develop – Consider either reading the book, “3:16 – The Numbers of Hope” by Max Lucado, to unpack the significance of the most famous Bible verse, or “What On Earth Am I Here For?” by Rick Warren, to help you understand the purpose of your life. Both books are available to borrow from the AUMC library at the back of the Chapel on the “Christian Life” bookshelves. You can purchase the books from or Amazon.