Living Faith Devotional 87
10/20 – 10/26
King Solomon instructs us to “trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight” (Proverbs 3:5 NRSV). We have limited capacities for knowledge and insight as human beings, but God is all-knowing. In the New Testament, James encourages Christians to ask God for wisdom. “If any of you is lacking wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you” (James 1:5 NRSV). Through the Holy Spirit, God can provide the wisdom or insight we need that can only be given by the Lord. Humbly asking God in faith is an important part of the process for gaining wisdom and understanding. As a young king, Solomon asked the Lord for “an understanding mind to govern” God’s people, so that he could “discern between good and evil” (1 Kings 3:9 NRSV). The Lord gave him a “wise and discerning mind” because of his humility and faith in God (1 Kings 3:11 NRSV). As part of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches us to “ask and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7 NIV). By continuing to read the book of Proverbs this week as we humbly ask the Lord, we can receive the wisdom revealed within this Old Testament book as the Holy Spirit enables us.
Living Faith Devotional 86
10/13 – 10/19
Within the book of Proverbs King Solomon, Israel’s wisest king, taught that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10 NRSV). The overall goal of this book of the Bible is to persuade the reader to choose God’s wisdom as a way of life. You are encouraged to continue reading Proverbs this week and choose the way of blessings, life, God’s will, and the Lord’s wisdom.
The format of this plan is designed for you to use as much or little as you have time to use each day. Below is a guide for the daily use of this devotional:
Each Day
– Read the Psalm
– Spend a few minutes in silence as you wait in the presence of the Lord
– Read The Bible verses for the day
– Listen to and/or Sing a worship song or hymn
– Pray
– Live according to your faith in Christ Jesus
Living Faith Devotional 85
10/6 – 10/12
Life seems to be full of choices. Some options are similar, yet there are times when two different options lead to two completely different outcomes. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were told they could eat fruit from “every tree” except one (Genesis 2:16-17). Making the choice to eat from all of the trees other than the forbidden one enabled their bodies to be fed and nourished, while enjoying healthy relationships with God, one another, and God’s creation. Yet when Eve and Adam “saw that the tree” of the knowledge of good and evil “was good for food, and that…the tree was to be desired to make one wise” they ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6 NRSV). Because of their choice human beings became sinners. The relationship of humans with God, humans with one another, and human beings with the created world suffered because of the consequences of sins. We continue seeing and experiencing those consequences today.
Living Faith Devotional 84
9/29 – 10/5
On Sunday morning, September 29th, we are focusing on “Life as Family,” which includes life within households and life together as the family of God known as the church. For the first two days of the week this devotional will guide us to read verses about family and living as the household of God. Beginning on October 1st, the devotional will switch to a reading plan going through the book of Proverbs from the Old Testament. There are 31 Proverbs and 31 days during the month of October, so we are going to read one Proverb per day until the end of the month.
The format of this plan is designed for you to use as much or little as you have time to use each day. Below is a guide for the daily use of this devotional:
Living Faith Devotional 83
9/22-9/28 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
How did you become a Christian? Who introduced you to Christ? Who is a Christian because you introduced them to the God revealed through Jesus? For many of us, we were born into a Christian family and raised as a follower of Christ. If you are a parent or grandparent, you probably helped, or are currently helping, to introduce your children, and grandchildren, to Jesus. What if the earliest followers of Jesus did not seek to fulfill the mission Jesus gave us, to “go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19 NLT)? We probably would not be Christians today here in America if those earliest followers of Christ had not sought to live their faith as Jesus commanded and commissioned them.
Living Faith Devotional 82
9/15-9/21 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
Since the beginning of August, we have been reading and studying Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, while reading and studying the Gospel According to Matthew. This week we will continue our journey within Matthew’s gospel to the climax of Jesus’ life, ministry, and story that is revealed in his crucifixion and resurrection. As you read and study, listen and look for what Jesus’ teachings, life, death, and resurrection reveal about the God who came to be with us in and through Christ our Lord (Matthew 1:23). Jesus reveals God’s grace, truth, love, and glory (John 1:14; 15:9). When we see Jesus, and listen to him, we are seeing and hearing our heavenly Father (John 14:9; 12:49-50). He came to live and fulfill God’s will, the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven (John 6:38; Matthew 6:10). As we seek to continue faithfully following our Savior, this week you are invited to genuinely pray a portion of the Lord’s Prayer each day, submit to God’s reign, and live according to our heavenly Father’s will by loving God and people (Matthew 22:37-40).
Living Faith Devotional 81
9/8-9/14 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
In the prayer Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, he instructed his followers to pray, “Our Father in heaven…Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10 NRSV). This points towards an intimacy with God by referring to him as “Father.” Jesus had a oneness with God that he invites us to experience and live as well, which includes daily time alone with God through prayer. The Lord’s Prayer also reveals the ultimate desire of the God of grace and love, that His will is done here on earth and throughout creation, just as it is done in the kingdom of heaven. Much like the sermon Jesus shared on the mountain in Matthew 5 through 7, he revealed his divine glory and oneness with God the Father on a mountain in Matthew 17, with Peter, James, and John as witnesses (Matthew 17:1-8). On the mountain the three disciples heard God the Father say, “this is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well please; listen to him” (Matthew 17:5 NRSV). We are God’s adopted children through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:5). We are people made in God’s image and likeness for his glory (Genesis 1:26).
Living Faith Devotional 80
9/1-9/7 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
During the past few weeks, we have slowly read and studied Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7 during the first half of the all-church worship and small group series. This week we will move beyond the sermon in Matthew’s Gospel to read and study chapters 8 through 16. Within these chapters we will experience Jesus bringing the kingdom of God into the lives of hurting people, hear his teachings through the use of parables, witness various miracles and responses to Christ by those who encountered him during his ministry, hear Peter’s declaration about the Messiah, as well as receive Jesus’ invitation to be his followers through self-denial, taking up our cross, and faithfully following.
Living Faith Devotional 79
8/25-8/31 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
Have you tasted bland food that needed salt? What did adding salt do for the flavor after it had been added? Did it make whatever you were eating taste better? Salt can enhance the flavor of food. It can be used as a preservative. Salt can even be used for cleaning various things. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13 NRSV). Do you think of Christians as people who enhance the lives of others, making their lives better? Do you think of disciples of Christ as people who help preserve lives? Do you think of believers as people who help the world to become a cleaner place for everyone to live?
The light from the sun and moon mark days and seasons. Plants utilized the sun’s light for harnessing energy to create food that enables them to grow. Early in Matthew’s Gospel it is noted that a star guided the wise men to Jesus (Matthew 2:1-2).
Living Faith Devotional 78
8/18-8/24 Matthew’s Gospel Reading Plan
In the Gospel According to Matthew, Jesus is portrayed as a new Moses providing clarity about the God-given laws of the Israelites that were being used to form a new people through Jesus’ disciples. Matthew includes this incredibly important statement from Jesus in the gospel account, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets,” the Old Testament commandments of the Hebrew Bible, “I have come not to abolish but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17 NRSV). In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus goes on to teach, “you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times…But I say to you” (Matthew 5:21-22 NRSV). In her book about Jesus’ sermon Dr. Amy-Jill Levine writes, “Jesus is not opposing Torah; he is extending it.” She also explains that “Jesus fulfills Torah…by getting to the core values of the commandments. By following the commandments, as Jesus interprets them, his disciples walk as if they have one foot already in the kingdom of heaven.”