Words for Life – Kyle DeWeese, Leader
Contact: kyledew@aol.com, 317-506-1048
This group meets every other Monday member’s homes. We select scripture-based study guides and meet to discuss the lessons and
how they apply to our lives. We also make time for socializing before the lessons, so we meet at 7:00 pm and begin our study at 7:30 pm.
We also take field trips and enjoy an annual Fall Retreat.
We also take field trips and enjoy an annual Fall Retreat.
Koinonia Circle – Michele Feld, Leader
Contact: 317-525-0420
Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
Laughter and fellowship at each and every meeting!
Projects include:
- Preparing 200 desserts for Roberts Park Soup’s On Ministry
- Making tied blankets for Hendricks County Mental Health Association
- Preparing/Serving Thanksgiving meal to the Lucille Raines residents every other year
- Sending weekly cards to those who are unable to come to church
- Sending birthday cards to the Lucille Raines residents
- Maintaining the Prayer Garden

Ruth Circle – Charlotte Martin, Leader
Contact: edm50@att.net, 317-273-0456
Meetings are held the first Monday of the month (except for July) at 1:30 pm. We have speakers and discussions on social concerns/topics in our community and nation.
We honor our Senior High School graduates each year. We also enjoy field trips and dinner dates for fellowship and fun. We would love to have you join us!
Morning Glories and WinGs – SanDee Miller, Leader
Contact: sandeem06@aol.com, 317-431-9399
Morning Glories meet in the Sanctuary on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 – 10:15 am. The new WinGs group meets Thursday mornings in the Sanctuary from 9:00 – 10:15 am. Both are Life Groups who participate in the same Bible studies that encourage faith, character and Bible knowledge. The groups enjoy fun and fellowship as they do “life” together. They also participate in outings and go on an annual field trip.

Mary and Martha Circle – Kathy Haviza, Leader
Contact: 317-445-7704
This circle meets the first Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. Our discussion and programs are led by various members. We support AUMW missions and enjoy fun and fellowship.
Bookworms – Donna Mahler, Leader Contact: ds.mahler@att.net
This group meets the 1st Monday of each month at 1:00 pm. It is a group for all
women in the church who like lively discussions. Books are chosen from the UWF Reading Program List. If you cannot attend the meetings, you can still participate in
the UWF Reading Program.