Your Faith Journey 23
Your Faith Journey
Worship – We encourage you to join us again for Sunday morning worship services and try listening to a Christian music radio station in your car as you drive (101.9, 97.9, or 90.5).
Connect & Grow in a Group – Join Pastor Rob and others for a 6-session small group experience beginning next weekend to explore What Christians Believe, and learn why. You can join the group on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in Room 200/201, beginning on April 28th.
Develop – Consider either reading the book 3:16 – The Numbers of Hope by Max Lucado to unpack the significance of the most famous Bible verse, or What On Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren to help you understand the purpose of your life. Both books are available to borrow from the AUMC library at the back of the Chapel on the “Christian Life” bookshelves. You can purchase the books from or Amazon.