Your Faith Journey 9
Your Faith Journey
Worship – We encourage you to continue to attend Sunday morning worship services and to try listening to a Christian music radio station in your car as you drive (101.9, 97.9, or 90.5).
Connect – You are invited to get to know other adults during weekly discussions on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:00 am during Connecting Conversations throughout the month of June in Room 111. Simply stop by on whichever Sunday mornings you’re available to connect with others before or after attending a worship service.
Develop – If you aren’t using a daily devotional or Bible reading plan, you’re encouraged to read one chapter each day from one of the apostle Paul’s first letters within the New Testament called “Galatians.” As you read Paul’s letter throughout the week, pray for God to show you a word or phrase from the verses you read that is a message for you for the day.